Bennett, Tony - Here's To The Ladies

here's to the ladies

bennett, tony


Kiadó: Sony
Megjelenés dátuma: 1995-10-24
Termékazonosító: CK 67349

1 490,-


1. People
2. I'm In Love Again
3. Somewhere Over The Rainbow
4. My Love Went To London
5. Poor Butterfly
6. Sentimental Journey
7. Cloudy Morning
8. Tenderly
9. Down In The Depths On The Ninetieth Floor
10. Moonlight In Vermont
11. Tangerine
12. God Bless The Child
13. Daybreak
14. You Showed Me The Way
15. Honeysuckle Rose
16. Maybe This Time
17. I Got Rhythm
18. My Ideal


Made in USA

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